All things

Our team has carefully curated this selection of articles on all things weight.

Semaglutide may have potential benefits for alcohol addiction, but more research is needed. Animal studies suggest it can reduce alcohol consumption and relapse rates, and some patients report decreased alcohol tolerance. However, it is not a substitute for professional treatment and support. If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, seek help from a qualified healthcare […]

Semaglutide may have potential benefits for alcohol addiction, but more research is needed. Animal studies suggest it can reduce alcohol consumption and

With the rising cost of energy and goods, the British people are having to take greater care in budgeting living costs in

It is the spookiest time of the year with many of us celebrating Halloween around the world. We may choose to get

To err is human, to forgive divine Alexander Pope Imagine you’re watching an enthralling thriller movie. As the story progresses, you and

Starting out as an apprentice, I have learnt many new skills, for both work and life, over the past 3 years. With

The pursuit of true and lasting friendships can be very challenging. A large number of species have the tendency to form social

How it started… Let us start from the beginning of my journey. I joined Simplyweight in 2019 as a digital marketing apprentice.

We are getting a dog! Now before your hand starts moving towards the “x” to close this window, I assure you that

Do you know what binge-watching is? Did you know that binge-watching is stopping you from losing weight? Do you know the dangers